Monday, August 8, 2011

Ducks, clowns, and ghosts

Traveling by myself has been great, but having Nik here has been really great. :) We walked up to the castle today but it was expensive to get in, so Nik used the phone and then we headed back down the Mile.

We split up for a while because I got a comp to a show called The Ducks. A friend of a friend directed it, and it was a beautifully done piece. The acting was exquisite... though, I'm not sure I completely understood what it was about. ?

Nik and I met back up to see a Japanese clown show called Tokyo Game: The Body Tights Man Show. Wow, super creative, fun, and kind of weird. :)

At the end of the day, Nik was nice enough to accompany (protect) me on The Ghost and Torture Tour: A Dark Historical Journey Above and Below Ground. When I arrived in Edinburgh, I was told there was a city built underground that people lived in at one point. It was awful living conditions and was eventually buried, but someone discovered it years later and now they do tours of the city with the option of the historical tour or the scary tour. When I was looking at the brochure, I apparently missed the part in italics. I think it was the most historical tour of the options, however, because the other tours were called: The Terror Tour: The Ultimate Terrifying Experience; and The Underground Tour: Scotland's Most Haunted Underground Experience... but it was still really scary. Sleeping tonight will not be easy...


Stacey said...

Oh no! what an adventure! nice to hear you met up with your friend Nik - sounds like you guys had fun, despite the scary part...

kristen said...

soooo scary! we did have fun though. :)