Monday, August 22, 2011

Blues, books, BBQs, and backyards...

My first weekend after my vacation, and then flying in on Monday morning and working all week, was supposed to be relaxing... but instead:

I went blues dancing on Friday night. Blues dancing is somewhere between swing dancing and dirty dancing... depending on your partner. It's very social, however, and a lot of fun -- not to mention, done to some great music! After blues dancing, I went to see a friend's band at Benders. The band was a bit of an escape after dancing, which you'll have to ask me about in person.

Saturday, I woke up, took my car in for a service, went to a book swap, and then to a going away BBQ/party, which later joined with a birthday party.

On Sunday, I went to an annual party a friend throws to celebrate the years he's lived in San Francisco. They had Tahitian dance performance (with audience participation - above) and Boylesque. :) Then I went to Brian and Teresa's new place in Oakland for some pizza and Magic game education.

Productive and fun! Mostly fun.

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