Sunday, September 27, 2009

The wedding

Maureen and Dave's wedding was simple and beautiful with perfect touches of elegance. A hot and steamy (literally!) romantic party in wine country. A beautiful couple and a beautiful day... :)

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Sunday, September 20, 2009


Bachelor and bachelorette parties are funny things -- generally full of debachery of the worst kind with very little respect for the real purpose of the occasion at hand... Shouldn't it be a celebration of what's to come? A show of encouragement and support? ...rather than some kind of last hurrah? If you must have one last night of conquest, why get married...?

This party was the best kind of bachelorette party. Although I was responsible for a lot of the organizing and planning, I have to say, I was just following the bride's lead of what she wanted -- and she wanted a fun weekend out with the girls. A condo in the woods, hot tub, nice dinner out, some live music (or, the intention of live music, anyway...they close down early in the woods :) ), a bit of beach and a bit of hiking, and a ton of great girl time. In my opinion, this is a Superbride of the best kind!!

Congratulations to this amazing bride!!

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Thursday, September 17, 2009

Arctic Monkeys

Wow, the Fox Theater is GORGEOUS!

Tonight was Arctic Monkey's with Brian and Teresa. Great company and great concert!! I totally get why people give up their hearing to see an amazing show. :)

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Sunday, September 13, 2009

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Labor day weekend

Lance and Caia got married this weekend in Iowa! Josh and I made the trek out to join them on their special day. It was loads of fun, and I found myself enjoying the cornfields and the countrysides quite a bit.

We came back to the Bay on Sunday to give ourselves one day to relax. We ended up riding all over Oakland on our bikes -- down and around the lake, then through west Oakland and out to the Bay. We rode up the Bay trial to Berkeley and then headed back home through town. Here are some pics we took along the way. Actually, the first one is of Josh and me sitting at the airport in Nebraska.
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