Friday, August 28, 2015


My blog is on lockdown because ... well, because it has to be for now.  But, maybe it's better this way.  I mean, maybe I'll be more honest and less stalked.  Maybe I'll reveal secrets and give you a deeper look into my opinions, reviews of shows, and thoughts on politics.... or, maybe I'll just continue to collect stories and share things I've learned.  :) 

In the meantime, I'm sad that my most read post will no longer be available to save the cats.  If you know a cat that needs saving, please, like, copy and paste the post or the information and let the distressed cat owner know that it's worth it to not do surgery if their cat doesn't seem like they're in trouble.  Basically, don't spend money on cutting a cat open if it doesn't seem like an emergency.  Always. 

Monday, August 17, 2015


Goodbyes are so complex.  

There are the regular goodbyes, like when you're done at work for the day, or you're leaving your friends to go to your car after the fun -- and, then there are the more permanent goodbyes, like the ones at the end of a relationship, or when someone passes away...

...and, of course, there are a million variations in between.  

Anna and Ashley independently decided to move away on the exact same day, one day after Aatman left for a month long trip that will be promptly followed by 2 more months out of town.  That's a lot of names that start with an "A" and a lot of goodbyes for one weekend.  It was like the universe coordinated so I couldn't be too sad about any one of them leaving because I was always slightly distracted that the other two were leaving, and in a general state of sad anticipation about all three.  

The upside:  
Anna and Ashley tend to be extremely busy with very full lives, so I can easily go months without seeing them anyway.  Anna's moving to New York, but she will be back and forth and I'll see her soon.  Ashley is moving to L.A., so I'm thinking she'll be back and forth as well.  Aatman's goodbye is temporary -- I'm going to visit him in 3 weeks, he'll be back in 4, then he'll be gone again, but then back again -- and, even though it sucks, we've gone through this a number of times and seem to manage it pretty well at this point.  

The downside: 
I miss all of them already.  

Sunday, August 16, 2015


Aatman had to take an exam in LA, so he invited me to join him after for a mini vacation/quest to meet Manny Pacquaio.  (Aatman is a huge boxing fan. :) )

We discovered before the trip that Manny was likely in the Philippines, but we knew that Freddie Roach might be around so we went to his gym anyway.  Freddie was there!  We got to meet him and he was so nice!!  We both got pictures with him, and Aatman got him to sign the Wildcard Gym sweatshirt I had gotten him a few months back.  Yay! :) 

In the meantime, Aatman found a fantastic Korean BBQ place in K-town called Kang Ho Dong Baekjeong (delish!), we hit up the Upright Citizen's Brigade for a late night show ($5/ea!), rode a tandem bike on the beach, wandered through the madness of Venice, and had a great sushi bowl lunch at little restaurant called Murakami. 

The less exciting parts of the trip included a mediocre dinner at some place called Grand something or another in Studio City, and a visit to another boxing gym, only to find that the boxers weren't there.  Oh well.  We still got to meet Freddie Roach, and Aatman took this incredible photo!  I love the sky!

Saturday, August 8, 2015

Eight! and 8, and...

Jessica asked for a source for details on past shows because she wanted to write something about 8 on 8/8.  I decided to follow suit and have posted here all of the links to my posts about the shows: 

and, the fb page.

Happy 8/8! 

(I have to admit, I maaaaay've adjusted the date and time just a bit on this one)  ;)