Saturday, May 9, 2015

8 (8)

The 8th 8... 

I discovered that producing 8 was hard to do while working my day job as an event producer...  though, doing both jobs simultaneously also seemed to make me better at both... ?  and worse at both.  :P  

Better because I felt sharper.  I found myself always thinking through the show at work, taking things from the show and using them at work, and then taking things from work to use in the show.  

Worse because I felt distracted at work and then sort of fried afterwards, which put the show on the back burner most days and made for a very stressful last push before showtime.  

As a result, on the night of the show, I forgot to put the programs out, my MC notes weren't well prepared, I forgot a joke on stage while I was in the process of telling it, and I ended up telling the story of 8 and how I got the producing job at Google after I had made a very specific decision not to do that.... 

Luckily, Audrey remembered the programs and handed them out to everyone, my lack of MC preparedness apparently made for "great stage presence" and "charming hosting", of which my forgetting the joke I was telling and then successfully retelling it later seemed to contribute, and people were happy I told the story of 8 and how I got my job because they did want to know how the show came about and it was inspiring that it led to me finding work as a producer. 


They all said I had to do 8 shows because I called the show 8.  They were right.  

My stellar lineup: 

Sam DiSalvo
Audrey Spinazola
Michael Curran
Bernard Vash
Nick Knave
Jessica Gruner 
Skorpio Smith
Amber Gougis 

And, stellar team: 

Ian on sound
Heather on lights
Jackie running the door
Brian, Teresa, and Danielle at the bar 

Audrey and Joan made sure the space looked amazing, Brian and Teresa and Danielle generously donated their beer and their awesome bar skills, my tech team had my back like they do every day :), and the performers all seemed magical as they took the stage.... 

As I sit on the couch with the cats working on closing out the show, I torture myself a little with the silly mistakes I made...but, mostly, I bask in the glow of another fun success.  Everyone was like, "you HAVE to do it again".  I literally tell myself from about 2 weeks out until somewhere around the 2nd act, that I'm not going to do it again.  And then, I settle into the show, the performers knock my socks off, the generosity from the audience surrounds me, and I start to think it's exactly where I'm meant to be and that I'll have to do it again.  :P 

The 8th 8 was wonderful....

"Be so good they can't ignore you." - Steve Martin

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