Sunday, July 26, 2020


A shift in perspective can bring beauty to what otherwise might seem stark... with, the tiniest remembrance of what was.

In the last 4 months, I've learned to slow down, to cook (some things, kind of), to face my abandonment issues head on, to work at home, to workout at home, to make sure I get outside daily, to ride my actual bike (no more SoulCycle), to do abbreviated silks work from the pull up bar in my kitchen... I've fallen in love and... out of love ? "...out of [his] favor, where I am in love..." and I've gone on little adventures. Ocean beach, McLeren Park, Treasure Island, Point Reyes, an off road trail in Marin, Pacifica, Sutro Reserve, Stockton, Carmel, Monterey, the Golden Gate Bridge, flying w/ Robin, Calistoga, Stinson Beach, Stockton, Stockton, Stockton, Stockton.... (Stockton was becoming a bit more of a routine than an adventure, but it did feel far away...)

And now...

How am I'm supposed to keep moving forward during a pandemic with a broken heart?

I received a postcard that said, "May this message bring you whatever small peace is needed at this moment!", and it did. And then, a follow up text talked about committing to art without worrying about outcomes. The inspiration from these two timely messages launched me straight into a spinoff project of Ei8ht -- a passion project I'd been wanting to pursue called Collabor8.


...wish me love... 💜