Friday, March 6, 2020

Angel, well, not yet...

On Friday, January 31st, I was feeling really anxious about all of the projects I've gotten myself involved in so far this year.

"Do you ever feel like you're dying?"
I was in one of our production spaces talking to Ian.
"We're all dying."
"Do you ever feel like you're dying soon?"

He laughed for a very long time after that, acted awkward about giving me a hug after I had just hugged most of the crew, and left.

A day later, I got on a plane to Colorado to spend the weekend with my family.

It was my mom's birthday, so we headed to the Broadmoor to celebrate. The Broadmoor is a fancy hotel located at the edge of the city right at the base of the mountains. We went to the dessert shop, walked the lake, and played on a jungle gym for a while before heading to dinner at a nice Italian restaurant in the hotel.

After dinner, I got up to leave and everything started to go dark. My vision blacked out, my hearing went silent, and I was pretty sure I was going to fall. I lowered myself back to the table to breathe. After a few minutes, my sister-in-law tried to help me to the restroom, but I collapsed about halfway there, still conscious, but too dizzy to move.

As I sat on the floor, I thought to myself, this is it... I'm going to die right here in the middle of this restaurant in front of my family. And, when Ian finds out, he'll realize that I predicted this two days ago at work.

An ambulance ride and 2 bags of fluids later, I was diagnosed with severe dehydration due to travel, the altitude, a glass of wine, and not drinking enough water throughout the day, and was sent home to rest and rehydrate.

I saw Ian 2 days after returning to work and told him the story. He laughed again (and kind of cried? It was a laugh/cry?) while repeating, "it's not funny, it's not funny".

It was a little funny? 😉