Wednesday, August 10, 2011

...and, scene.

I stopped running and strolled today...

I woke up and went to see Man of Valour, an incredible one man show about a man learning to face his demons using storytelling + mime + projection. It was phenominal!! There was a moment when the man struggles with his dark side, which is shown by the actor "removing" a mask to reveal an evil character, and it was quite a startling and distinct transition. The actor did an exceptional job making his imaginary world precisely clear...

Next up was The Dark Philosophers. This was another one that was performed beautifully, but I didn't fully understand. From the reviews, it needs a bit more development and is about a Welsh writer, which explains a lot of the mystery. If I had done my homework, I probably would've gotten more out of it, but a wonderful performance regardless.

I ended my Fringe experience with the comedian Daniel Sloss. I heard he was a great young performer, and that he was excellent.... I liked him, but I honestly wasn't blown away. I met some lovely people today as I was sitting around between shows, and some of his fans who I was talking with before this show told me afterwards that his stuff isn't as strong as it used to be. Oh well. He's only 20 (or something like that), and started doing comedy when he was 16! I'm sure once he transitions more into adulthood, he'll find his flow again.

After Daniel, I took a long walk home in the rain. It was beautiful and warm, and I couldn't help but think that I should neglect all of my responsibilities and just stay here. The festival has been amazing, and I love talking to people about theatre. The city is beautiful and it's great hanging with Nik and seeing Anna. *sigh* ... but I do miss my cats and my bed and Bay Area food and driving and being in the same country as all of the wonderful people in my life. :)


Gabriella said...

The Bay Area misses you too. I've had so much fun (virtually) traveling with you, but I'll be super glad to hang out with you when you are home!

kristen said...

Can't wait to see you!!