Sunday, August 7, 2011

It's been raining for (insert dramatic voice) FIVE HUNDRED YEARS...!!

Okay, more like two days.  Straight.  Which feels way longer when you're in another country and all you have to do is walk around in it.  So. Much. Rain.

Nikolas arrived!  We walked a bit of the Royal Mile in the rain and checked out some street performances.  There was a great little Asian magician from Canada (who had a British accent... ?  Unless we heard her wrong and she's not from Canada...which would make more sense.  :)) who did card tricks, and was quite a dynamic and funny performer.  

Nik and I split up to see separate shows, and I missed mine by seconds.  They don't do late seating, so I wandered around New Town looking for gifts.  Gifts from Scotland seem to consist of kilts, or random things in plaid... which is making me wish I had had more time to shop in Paris... and may mean I won't come back with gifts.  :P

I met up with Nik again at 10:45pm to see Spielpalast Cabaret, which was sort of a random miss match of clowning, burlesque, and sketches.  They had a live band that I really enjoyed.  

I have to admit, the shows I've seen so far have been fun, but nothing has really knocked my socks off.  ...though, I sort of think that's the nature of the Fringe.  Lots of things in the works.  


Stacey said...

is it common to see a lot of street performers? how cool! but junk about the rain...hope you have waterproof boots and a dryer...

kristen said...

yes, there are tons of street performers. so many, that they are actually organized by the festival!