I'm driving home one night, and I notice that my email says my Match.com registration has been approved... ? And then, my profile edits have been received and my profile has been approved. ...but, I'm driving and I never signed up for Match. ? I get home and immediately request my login information, which is easy to get since my email address was used. I open my account to discover that I'm a 46 year old woman from Arizona... I have no picture, and my description says something like, "I'm just on here because I thought I might as well give it a shot. I like to eat ice cream and watch movies... " etc. This is obviously a mistake. ...and, strangely, a mistake that has a password similar to the ones I use... ? I have the power, so I cancel the account. Done.
I chat Aatman to tell him what happened and, as we're chatting, I get a confirmation from POF (Plenty of Fish) that my account has been set up. This time, my user name is Ihaveaboyfranalready... UGH! I have been hacked!! I start to change passwords, check privacy settings, freak out...!
I am, again, able to get into POF because my email address was used, so I get the link to set up a new password and try to figure out how to delete the account. The cancellation page informs me that I have to wait 24 hours before I can cancel. GRRRR! In the meantime, even though my user name is Ihaveaboyfranalready, I start getting messages.... :P
....there's a moment, when it dawns on me, that maybe someone who disapproves of my relationship is doing this to terrorize me....
....and then, it dawns on me, that maybe Aatman has done this to be funny. I ask him, and he says something about Clark Kent and Superman and, after some confusing back and forth, admits that he set up POF for me as a joke. He asks if I've read the profile. Of course, I haven't because I've been busy thinking I've been HACKED!!!
Aatman assures me that he didn't set up the Match profile, and starts apologizing profusely for making me feel hacked and terrorized. He thought I'd get it right away because he made my POF password "gooniessux"... which is a joke between us because Aatman hates Goonies and I think it's one of the best movies of all time. :P ...but, since POF sends the link to set up a new password, rather than sending the password created, I never got the obvious giveaway. BAH!
The whole thing is incredibly annoying to me-- until the next day when I start reading my POF profile. Aatman filled the profile with cute references to our relationship, including a description of our first date as my "ideal first date". There were a number of sweet statements about how great we are together.
...he manages to win me over every time... :)