Monday, July 8, 2013

July 3rd

"I have a rockabilly waitress, Smashing Pumpkins is trickling through the PA, the woman across from me is picking her afro using the front camera on her iPhone as a mirror, and I'm pretty sure this coffee will make me unstoppable."

-- I posted that on facebook on July 3rd and, immediately after, got a call from Google offering me a new job!!


So, just to recap...

I was laid off a little over 3 months ago and was officially unemployed for a little over 2 months.

Here's a quick breakdown of what I did during my "time off":

I applied to 38 jobs.
Booked 28 interview appointments and actually spoke to 52 individuals.
Had 9 networking meetings.
5 auditions.
2 modeling shoots.
And, a lot of time sitting in my apartment, reading, and eating PB&J.

The most interesting conversation I had while unemployed was with a guy named... Mike? with whom I spoke about an event modeling job that seemed to pay surprisingly well. It turned out that the job was to work "sexy events"-- so, I'd have to be okay with wearing heels, miniskirts, being friendly, talking to people, flirting, sitting on laps, and allowing some touching. Mike said, if I met a guy at an event who really liked me and wanted me to be his "girlfriend" I could make a lot more money than the initial offer. (...yeah, right?!) I thanked Mike for calling and told him that I wasn't interested in that kind of work. He was really nice and said he understood, and then told me that, as another option, I could recommend people who might be interested...and, as long as they were working, I would get a percentage of everything they made. I said I'd keep that in mind. ...I guess if you don't want to be a prostitute, you can always be a pimp.

I start work at Google a week from today. :) I'm so excited!


Gabriella said...


You really are unstoppable. :)

kristen said...

Thanks, Gabriella!! :)

Maureen said...

a million cheers to you!! You're such a rockstar. I knew you'd land a great job. Hope you LOVE it!

kristen said...

Thanks so much, Maureen!!