Sunday, October 30, 2011

Am I too old for Halloween...

...cause WTF... ?!

I dressed up as a Tim Burton doll. Black and white stripey dress, awesome fur collared vest thingy, crazy wirey hair, lots of black eye make-up, dull lips.

First stop was a co-worker's party. Gorgeous house, older crowd, amazing food, photographer, psychic. I had to leave before I could get a reading... but, I probably should've stayed there all night.

Second stop was the Monster Ball. Mostly Asian, mostly in underwear, crappy DJ, mostly 25 year olds, and I wasn't dressed like a hooker so I felt a little out of place -- though, I did get some nice compliments on my crazy hair.

My favorite part of the night was in the bathroom with Emily -- the woman working there said, "You have the toilet seat stuck to your skirt." We looked, and she had the seat cover hanging out of her underwear.

What happened to the days when girls wore clothes for Halloween? When people dressed up scary, or in an actual costumes that weren't meant to just look slutty...? And, at what point did it become "sexy" for girls to bump and grind on each other... ?!


Gabriella said...

EW. That sounds awful. I am so tired of "sexy" costumes. Sexy fireman, sexy lumberjack, sexy plumber...really? Just dress as a hooker and have done with it, right? I bet your Tim Burton doll was super cute tho. Pictures?

kristen said...

ya... i feel like if you want to be sexy, you should actually pick something sexy. ? the tim burton doll didn't totally work... but i'll show you a pic when i have one. :)