Tuesday, August 24, 2010

The Marina

I love to admire the city from a distance... by daylight as a faded silhouette...by night as a dense constellation...

When I got to the marina, the car next to mine had a man in the driver's seat reading. The weather was perfect today, so both of our windows were down and his car had been backed in so our windows met as I pulled in. I was singing along to a Sam Cooke song, and must've smiled at him as I parked.

"You have a beautiful smile." He said as I opened my door. "Thank you so much..." I replied. He mentioned something else about how much he liked my smile and then wished me a good day. I wished him one as well and made my way to the rocks by the water.

It felt so good to sit and listen to the bay... the water lapping gently against the rocks... the seagulls... the boats coming in for the night... people's voices sounding relaxed and happy as they strolled along the way...

After about an hour, I decided I was ready to go.

As I approached my car, the man in the car next to mine started to tell me from his window about how another man had come up to my car while I was away. The other man stood for a while behind my car trying to get into my trunk, until he realized he was at the wrong car. He and the man in the car chuckled about it for a bit, talked about the beautiful weather, and then the other man went to his car and left.

The man in the car next to mine thanked me for parking next to him and told me I had made his day... I wished him a good night, smiled, and drove away.


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