Tuesday, August 24, 2010

from "the book" (face)....

So, last night, I can't get this sad song out of my head that starts with the lyrics "once upon a time...", so I post that as my status update... and this is what ensued.


once upon a time...

in the land of enchanted hills.

I bought a sandwich and it was good

so I bought another and brought it to the King

And the king gave me a horse and rode through the town

telling everyone how much he LOVED the sandwich! he told the town's people that anyone who brings him a good sandwich... will also get a horse. ... until they run out of horses...

In the mean time, the horses got together and decided that their safety, health and overall well being were not to be tempered with in such a reckless manner. So instead they...

made amazing sandwiches for the King. Upon presenting them the King granted them their freedom from humans and gave them each a large tract of land for their own.

Until the land ran out and the King began giving away his daughters to those that brought him a sandwich. He had 7 daughters in total....

And I gave the king 7 sandwichs. Then the king gave me all 7 daughters. But as I looked at them I quickly realized that they were gigantic. And so I took my horse and rode away very very fast...

....the ride was terrible and my thirst great. I took a drink from the tanned deer's bladder that one of the giant daughter's gave me. It was full of her tears; she claimed her tears were more hydrating than coconut milk. As I rode I got ......woozy. The next thing I remember is coming to in a dark, dank room; my head was pounding. I wasn't able to move my body and my clothes felt soggy. A man with a taut brow in a black robe appeared in my field of vision. He stared at me then asked, "Tell me, why are you so soggy?"

i replied, "i've been drinking the tears of a giant woman... "

Is that like drinking from a firehose?

said the man in the black robe...

there was a stable boy who hated cheese puffs.

Because...they always turned his fingers orange...

He considered his fingers to be for either horse manure, pleasure or both. Orange would not do. Orange was a fever dream.

the man in the black robe said aloud... "but that's probably the enchanted hills talking...ha!" still, it brought him to the conclusion that i must be soggy because i was drinking from a firehose of tears! he and i spoke of my adventures for a while until he finally said, "how can i help you, soggy man, who's been riding on a horse that owns land, with 7 giant daughters full of tears chasing you?"....i still couldn't move and didn't know how to respond. my robed friend furrowed his brow...thought for a minute...

...and then made me a perfect sandwich...

the end.

:) love you all.

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