Sunday, June 24, 2012

Palm Springs

I'm in Palm Springs and I am sick. Blahhhhhh.....

I've been sick for like 4 days now.  Body aches, congestion, sore throat... I want it to be allergies, but I'm pretty sure I have a sinus infection.  ...and, I probably also have allergies.

I'm visiting my parents who are on a golfing vacation, which is actually not so bad for being sick... I mean, my mom's here - which instantly makes everything better - and the only thing on the agenda is golf, which I don't do, so it's easy to skip (rather than tag along) if I need to.

1 comment:

Stacey said...

Bummer that you were feeling sick in Palm Springs!! Glad you were able to spend time with family....well sort of...:)