Sunday, April 1, 2012


This weekend I went to Tahoe for snowboarding with Brian and Teresa!  I can actually barely type this because my arms are so sore from falling -- but, it was totally worth it.  (ow.) 

For starters, we had the most perfect weather.  Perfect.  Clear roads up and back, with a gorgeous snow storm right smack in the middle.  Slopes full of lots and lots of fresh powder!  So. Much. Fun.  !! 

Of course, the pain in my arms, legs, back, neck, etc. comes from my complete lack of snowboarding skills.  ...and, although powder is great to fall in and board through, it's pretty hard to get up out of.  (ow.)  ...and, regardless of the powder, I just tend to fall.  ...but, much fun.   :) 

We stayed in a cabin with Brian and Teresa's friends, Chris and Lorena.  A few of their friends were also staying for the weekend.  Excellent company all around. 

It was so fun to spend the weekend in nature with great friends.  I feel like I've been beat up a few times, and I'm not sure I'll be able to move tomorrow, but I think I progressed a bit on the board, and I can't wait to go again.  Next time... I'll really learn to carve....?  I think I might need to invest in a helmet.  ;)  


1 comment:

Stacey said...

AWESOME!!!! Glad the conditions were nice and you guys got powder!!!