Friday, April 13, 2012

The Ides of March

I agreed to let my friend Michael sign me up on eharmony for one month. 

Online dating has been kind of a nightmare because I HATE dating.  HATE.  HAAAATE.  So, what could be worse than putting me in a position where I'm supposed to go on a bunch of dates?!  ...but, Michael's sick of watching guys jerk me around, and thinks I deserve someone who will give me everything because I'm gorgeous and I deserve the best, and eharmony has a formula that works....

Ah, such great intentions.

We started a subscription on the 15th of March -- the Ides of March -- because that seemed like a good omen for this kind of experiment... ?  ...and, since then I have gone out on 2 eharmony dates, and one date with a friend of a friend.  (I figured, if I had to date anyway, I might as well test reality against the internet...) 

The result so far is -- I still hate dating, and I have no desire to go on a second date with any of the dates.  I have also rejected countless unsuspecting men who think I joined eharmony intentionally.  ...and, in the process of all of this, I have sort of fallen for the guy Michael was trying to help me forget.  Awesome. 

So, now what... ?  I have two days left in this experiment and then I'm DONE.  ...and, I'll be left with a bit of a broken heart because, now, I know that what I want.... is someone who's kind of jerking me around....


*the photo is from an amazing day I had in Half Moon Bay with a bunch of creative people working on various projects.  We took a break to walk on the beach...

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