Saturday, May 28, 2011

A day off

At this point in my... "career", I accrue four weeks of vacation a year...which is awesome if you can take a vacation.  :)  If you can't, the days pile up until you have to start taking days in order to keep accruing.  This results in a lot of daydreams of hopeful vacations, and random days off. 

My daydream vacations include: 

Europe.  I want to visit my friend Stephanie in France, but I also want to just travel around Europe and soak up as much as possible...

Hawaii.  My best friend, Stacey, lives in Hawaii and I really want to spend some time with her -- and, I just love Hawaii.  

Colorado.  I need to go home to see my wonderful family.  (I'm headed there tomorrow, actually, but I can't seem to get myself to pack.)

New York.  I love New York.  Love it.  Seriously consider moving there about every 3 months...and then I find myself unable to imagine leaving the Bay Area... it's a constant battle.  

Asia.  I feel like I need to go to Korea at some point... you know, just to put myself through "returning to my homeland" and experience whatever comes up for me as a result.  I also think about visiting Taiwan before Josh leaves... but I'm not sure if I can make that happen. 

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