Thursday, October 7, 2010

"For you cannot see the tears in the falling... "

Today, Billy, the parking guy who would greet me every morning with a hug and good wishes, suffered a heart attack in the garage, and died...

...just like that.

When I went to get my car tonight, Ali, one of the other parking guys, gave me a hug. I began to sob. He wiped my tears away and, fighting his own, said, "Now, none of that...we need you to be strong for us. We need your smile...".

I am broken...


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Gabriella said...

OH sweetie. I am so so very sorry. :(

purplejello said...

That is very sad. How sudden and tragic. Be good to yourself and have some jello.

kristen said...

thank you. it's amazing how a simple interaction can have such a huge impact on your every day...

SFSairy said...

Oh Kristen, I am so sorry to hear this. I didn't know about this before Z's party last weekend, or I would have given you an extra tight hug! Thinking of you my sweet friend. Hugs!