Thursday, September 2, 2010


Someone once told me that when you have ringing in your ear it means you're about to lose the ability to hear that, I guess as the frequency cries out... and then it's gone...
I have no idea if that is true, it's just something I was told once...

I feel like in my effort to stop reporting and do more thinking and writing, I've missed some moments that I should've captured... incredible clown shows, a perfect trip to Santa Cruz, a Ramadan dinner and a poker night, the Duck boat and other birthday parties for my beautiful friends... nights on the town, a bit of romance... auditions, the theater festival, mom's visit... Beach Blanket Babylon, Total B.S., IN THE WOUND... and friends friends friends... I'm exhausted and blessed.

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ringing in the ears has a number of causes. Although it can be caused by hearing loss due to high volume damage, the sporadic high-frequency pitches one hears day in and day out can be caused by infection, normal aging, foreign objects in the ear, or even just wax buildup. The medical name for ringing in the ears is Tinnitus (tin-it-us). It's a beautiful word, isn't it? It sounds innocent, yet can be the sign of something dangerous.