Friday, September 3, 2010

Drunk - 5 stars

I love everyone and I am wasted... wine needed to be drunk... cause I'm leaving tomorrow and it will go bad and it takes like 1 drink for me to be drunk....

I have some amazing people in my life right now. Amazing. Love.


I remember how I shouldn't drink and blog, but I'm trying to not be wasteful. I got new contacts today and I'm not sure that I like them... And, then, today was my bosses last day...which was kind of a surprise cause she was supposed to be here through like two wednesdays from now...

and, now....

And, what the....

I was basically bribed, off the record, to stay at my job through January. It just keeps getting better and better, doesn't it? And after NY, I'm going to Disneyland. Seriously, I am.

Okay, pouring this glass down the drain...

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Gabriella said...

I love you sweetie! I hope you have a wonderful trip!!!

kristen said...

i love you too, thanks gabriella!!

geez... remind me not to drink and blog!!!!!