I went to Friday Nights at the de Young Museum to see the Gaultier exhibit with Gabriella. Incredible. INCREDIBLE.
Saturday, I went to Angel Island for Shara's birthday party.... and then, to the Naked and Famous concert with Alex, Rebecca, and Jason. (I meant to take a shower between the party and the concert, but instead I took a nap, and then chased a bug around my apartment...)
Sunday, I assisted a small sword class, helped choreograph some slaps for a production of Othello, checked out the Cherry Blossoms Festival, and saw Solo Sundays at Stage Werx with Anna.
It all actually started on Thursday, with the Alex Kelly cd release party. Alex's cello playing puts me in some kind of a crazy, blissful, trance....
(Saturday around 6:30pm)
.... I woke up from a nap to find a Mosquito Eater in my living room. Yeah, ew. I wanted to keep it alive because, at the time, I thought Mosquito Eaters actually ate Mosquitoes...but, I just read on wikipedia that they don't. :P Awesome. Anyway, I'm also really bad at squishing bugs, so it seemed to make sense to try to help it back out of the open screen door, from which I can only assume it came....