Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Hammertime :D

I got back to the Bay the day after Christmas with a week off and nothing on my calendar. ...yeah, completely daunting for me of endless plans...  I spent the first night unpacking and relaxing but, by mid-afternoon the next day, I had a decently full calendar of movie nights, Moma, a visit to an underground wine bar, a day in Tilden/Jack London Square, NYE stuffs, and brunches, etc. 

I have to say, going to SFMOMA with Gabriella = one of the most enjoyable times I've ever had in a museum.  :)

I've discovered (in my relatively relaxing last minute plans) that I don't like being alone ... and, it turns out that I like having people over.  ?  ...and, chill days just wandering around are completely delightful.  

My favorite moment from NYE was Alex racing James down the hill in Dolores Park.  Alex totally bit it.  :D

I feel like tomorrow will be painful but, what the hell...  :)  Bring it on 2012!

1 comment:

Gabriella said...

Hugs and loves to you, my dear!