Friday, January 27, 2012

And now...

I need to remember to order decaf Americanos.

I'm sitting here, with no contacts in or glasses on, looking at my computer screen thinking I'm more tired than I am because of my blurred vision.  Strange how not being able to see clearly has that effect.  On me, anyway...

I'm wearing pink silky pajama bottoms with embroidered flowers on them, a blue VS Pink sleep tank (silk screened with the little dog and the number 80 because VS knows that reference to sports and dogs while you're sleeping is totally sexy), black slipper socks that are big and fuzzy with the anti-slip traction on the bottom, a brown shrug, and the bear hat Sky made for me.  I am warm.  ...and, I'm guessing I look kind of crazy. 

I can't sleep! 

My head is full of possibilities and unanswered questions.  My calf muscles are SO SORE after soccer practice yesterday, and the game today, that I'm seriously wondering how I will walk tomorrow.  The balloon in my apartment that says, "Congratulations!" seems to confuse my cats.  The coffee from this afternoon is lingering in my veins. 

it's almost 3am and I am now drinking wine...

1 comment:

Stacey said...

new word of the day...shrug - thank you.