Saturday, July 30, 2011

An observation and an update

Why is it that Koreans put all the hot stuff in metal containers, and then give you metal chopsticks... ?  On the flip side, you can reuse metal chopsticks and they're easier to handle than those giant plastic ones. 


A week or so ago I was invited to join my friend Noah for a night of Jericho in the city.  Jericho is an urban street game where you run around shooting dart guns at each other and is sort of like capture the flag...but then it's not really anything like capture the flag...  Sooo fun though!!  I highly recommend it.

In between Jericho and my vacation, I've gotten to spend some nice time with Michael, go to an outdoor theatre production in Lodi with the lovely Kara, celebrate the high school graduation of my friend Jennifer, enjoy a great hike with Sky, and share a perfect Irish coffee with Gabriella.  Josh and I have also spent some time together since his return from Taiwan (yes, we're friends). 

...and then there's the webisodes... so, I thought I was cast as a comedy/action star in what would be an attempt at a youtube series modeled after some of the work by Freddie Wong.  It sounded like it'd be really fun stuff, but when we got "on set", it seemed more like a simple take on a cop series, and quickly evolved into something similar to "The Office".  But with cops.  And really low production quality.  And no action.  We did manage to pull off some alright comedy though because, as things evolved, the cast abandoned the script which turned out to be the best decision ever.  I did direct a push that I think is funny, but I'm not really proud to know that these videos are out there for the world to view.  I met some great people working on the project though.

... and off to Europe i go ... :)

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