Friday, March 19, 2010

Hello officer...

Last night, my friend Simón calls and says we can get into a show over at Intersection in like 30 minutes... I'm not far away, so i race toward the theater which is just off 16th and Valencia. My brother calls as i'm driving so i'm trying to catch him up on my ridiculous life while looking for parking and, of course, there's no parking to be, when I have about 3 minutes left to get my butt to the door of the theater and I see a spot open up across the street, I pull a crazy SF driving move and flip a U in the middle of 16th Street. I do an exceptional parallel parking job and go to get out of my car to find a cop car pulled up right next to me and two cops staring me down. I say to my brother, "Oh crap...uh, hold on...". I look at the cops and ask if they're going to give me a ticket for talking on the phone. They can't hear me cause I haven't rolled the window down. I roll it down and ask again, and the cop closest to me says in this sassy condescending tone, "Should we give you a ticket for talking on the phone while driving, or for the illegal U turn?". Yeow. I say, "...both...?". The cop just stares at me for a second and then says, "Don't do it again.". ...and they drive away. Holy cow! So, I high tail it over the theater and skate through the door at about 5 after the hour as they're just closing the doors to the show.


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Gabriella said...

Ack! My friends and I were going to brunch the other day and B did an illegal U-turn with a cop right behind her. Parking spot. Same deal. He got on his loudspeaker and said, "That was awful." Shook his head at us, and drove away. Whew!!

Anyhoo, I'm glad you didn't get a pair of ginormous tickets. :)

des said...

cute asian girls get away with EVERYTHING