Friday, August 26, 2016

Mt. Cutler Trail

I think the first time I hiked Mt. Cutler Trail was with my brother's best friend, Tony, when we were in high school.  It was likely during a time when Tony would show up at our house every weekend to hangout with my brother and, if I was still asleep when he arrived, would wander into my room with my cat in his arms to tell me it was time to wake up!  He woke me up a lot in those days.  I tended to sleep in as long as I could get away with, which sometimes had me in bed into the early afternoon.  

Mt. Cutler quickly became my favorite trail to hike.  It was short, challenging, close by, always accessible, and had a great lookout over Seven Falls...  Sometimes we'd hike it in the middle of the night to see the falls lit up and for a great view of the city. 

I was home for a few days for my sister-in-law's baby shower, and was able to hike the trail.  It had been a long time because I usually visit during the winter when it's a bit too cold, and possibly icy and snowy.  This time, the weather was perfect.  

I missed it so much.  The dusty trail, the lookout points, the rocks, the steep cliffs, the trees, the smell, the views.... 

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