Monday, December 12, 2011

On set

I was cast in a student film that was shot over the last two weekends.  I played the part of a 21 year old girl in college who was accepted into med school, but gets pregnant with her 22 year old boyfriend (the star of the film).  I don't want to give too much away in case I decide to share the film, but I will tell you that it was one of the most challenging and complex parts I've ever had to play.

The 22 year old was actually played by a 22 year old, and was with whom I shared my first on screen kiss.  !!  ( actually wasn't as scary as I thought it would be).  I also had to cry on screen for this film, and do a scene in the shower.  It was all very tastefully and respectfully done, but what an emotional, exhausting, and invigorating experience... and, it's always fascinating to me how much you grow when you really push yourself. 

Part of the film was shot at the top of Campanile (above), the clock-tower on Berkeley campus.  Beautiful... 

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