Sunday, November 6, 2011

Direct my sail

My friend, Jon, said that taking control never works and that I should let go. " let go you just gotta release the handlebars..."


At 16, I was mistaken for being 12. At 19, a 6th grader (so, also 12?). At 21, a 14 year old....?!

I'm 36 and generally mistaken for being somewhere between 23 and 28 - which you'd think would work to my advantage....

Here's what's wrong with being single and looking younger than you are:

1. Guys your age or older (in my experience) treat you like you're an idiot until they find out your age.

2. Younger guys think you're their age, which gets you surrounded by lots of younger guys.

What does this have to do with relinquishing control? Well, I can't do anything about how I look. I can't do anything about who I like or don't like. I can't do anything about who likes or doesn't like me....

God grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change;
courage to change the things I can;
and wisdom to know the difference.


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