Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Behind the scenes

I had the opportunity to work behind the scenes at the SF HipHop Dance Fest last week and over the weekend. I was there to shadow this wonderful lighting designer I met, but ended up working as the assistant stage manager for the show all weekend. What an exhausting and amazing experience...!! I ran my ass off, missed a couple meals, met some great people, and watched some truly incredible dance performances. I might need to start taking hip hop dance again, and I definitely need to continue to explore all that's waiting for me in the behind the scenes world of a stage production... who knew I'd ever want to be backstage?

The show was completely awe-inspiring. Here are some links to my favorite companies/dancers (which was like half the program...but, the entire program was fantastic. www.sfhiphopdancefest.com/performers.php).

I'm listing them how I remembered them in my head when I needed to go find them - :)

The Colorado kids - www.motionundergrounddance.com
Kenichi - www.ebinaperformingarts.com
LA girls - www.dancetrackmagazine.com/?p=2170
French guys - www.juste-debout.com/fr_FR/in/pro-phenomen
Super hero kids - www.soulforcedance.com
Guy-who-maybe-hit-on-me-but-it-was-confusing-so-I-didn't-know-how-to-respond's crew - www.myspace.com/academyofvillians
New York girls - decadancetheatre.wordpress.com


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