I'm breaking the rules and writing from the computer instead of my phone because I had written this post, and then the Blackberry deleted it... ah, technology. It'll be much faster to recap via computer keyboard than phone.
We went to our new apartment today to check it out and plan a bit for our move... which is happening tomorrow (today)... and found that the maintenance requests we had made upon signing the lease were not done, the kitchen and bathrooms hadn't been cleaned, and the walls were full of scuff marks... *sigh*
Meanwhile, back at the place we are moving from, I've been sifting through 7 and a half years of...well, life. It's amazing how much can happen in that amount of time... and how much you accumulate that you feel you have to let go of because it doesn't seem to make sense to take it with you...
Josh has been amazing about packing and move planning, and general saving me from my emotional self. My hero... :)
I write this on my last night here... so as my farewell, let me say that I'll miss the view of the pink house the backyards and the palm trees, the laughter of the woman next door, Laverne - our apartment manager (70y.o...? 80y.o.?) who glides as she walks and clips hedges like no other, the hum of the freeway, and the redwoods outside the front door...
"...it's just a house, not a home."