Saturday, June 27, 2009

As far as I could get

I'm trying to ride to the top of the cemetery. It goes all the way up a hill near where I live. Plot 71 is as far as I can get... Whew!

So, on Thursday night I got to see my friend Jay in a live version of High School Musical 2! He was great!! I hadn't seen any of the movies, but it was fun on the stage.

Last night I watched Shotgun Players Faust part 1. Going from High School Musical to a modern interpretation of Faust is like going from Disneyland to an underground philosophical debate being held by robot geniuses who only speak German. Part of it was actually in German...but most of it probably could have been... But I kind of liked it. My friends, however...called it... masturbatory. ...but such is art, eh?

Tonight is an Improv show, and then on to the set of a local film I know nothing about. We'll be extras at the Halloween party.

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