I carry an extremely large and heavy backpack for work. The other day, one of our producers was commenting on it.
Producer: That backpack is as big as you are.Me: I know, it's really big.Producer: No, it's like, literally, much bigger than your torso. It's huge.Me: Yeah, and it holds everything... computer, purse, water bottle, cables for everything, multiple sets of headphones, an extra jacket, sometimes over night items... it's heavy.
Shortly after that, I left to go across the street to another building that has a giant concrete staircase you have to climb to get to the front door. On the way up the stairs, I realized that the back of my dress might be hiked up a bit from the backpack and, since I was on stairs, it might be worth checking. So, while I was still climbing the stairs, l sort of bent forward to reach around to the back of my dress to pull it down a little -- but, when I leaned, because I was in motion, the weight of my backpack took me off balance and I started to stumble forward up the stairs. I was doing my best to catch myself, but I quickly I knew I couldn't recover... I was about to fall, so I did my best to not fall super hard or slip on the stairs, got my hand on a step, tweaked my wrist a bit, and was able to fall without too much damage aside from feeling REALLY STUPID and, contrary to my original effort, probably flashing anyone who might've been watching. I got up, laughed to myself a little, and went into the building.
The next day I told the producer what happened. She laughed and laughed and said she falls all the time too, haha. I also told a co-worker of mine, and when I finished he said,
Co-worker: Did anyone see you fall? Did you look around?Me: I have no idea. No one was nearby, but I didn't really look around.Co-worker: Do you see this (he holds up a small black rubber ring looking thing)?Me: Yes.
Co-worker: So, I saw this over there in the corner and, when I went down to pick it up, I fell right over.Me: What?Co-worker: Yeah, I fell right on my face, just fell right over. But, I popped up and looked around and no one saw me.Me: (speechless confusion face)Co-worker: I'm only telling you this because of the story you just told me, but no one saw me.Me: 😂😂😂