Sunday, August 21, 2022

Mercy Blue Monkey Pants

I had to say goodbye to Mercy yesterday... 

Mercy had made it to the ripe old age of 17. She had lost her hearing and some teeth, and when I took her to the vet in May for a check up, they said her kidneys were a bit elevated. Otherwise, she seemed okay though, especially for her age (aside from her teeth). 

A few weeks later she started to vomit over and over. I thought it was time to put her down -- but, then she stopped. She started vomiting again a few days later, pretty consistently, but it was less vomit and less frequent, and somehow it seemed like she was okay -- she was still purring and cuddling, and she still had an appetite and energy... ? 

In the last couple of weeks, her appetite declined significantly, and some of her vomit was showing traces of blood. I was in denial about the blood until I woke up yesterday to a pool vomited blood... 

Mercy was a wild and fierce little fighter with a spark that made it easy to think she was okay, even though she was likely suffering for much longer than I was aware. 

I am already missing her crazy meow, the way she would demand pets, how she would purr and cuddle incessantly, her beautiful coat, her bright eyes, and her cute little black paws. She was a vibrant, tiny, demanding, loving little monkey pants who will not be forgotten. 

My sweetest Mercy Blue. 💙

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