Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Free Hugs for a Dollar

I love New York. But, it's the kind of love that feels like it could suffocate me, even though it's so full of energy and fantasy and romance... *sigh*

Stacy (a new friend I met last year in Paris with my good friend Mel) invited me to her very special birthday party in New York City, so I booked an Airbnb in New Jersey and I went.

Staying in New Jersey was a bit of a trek to everything in the city, but it was easier on my budget, beautiful, stylish, spacious, comfortable, and it was in New Jersey and I loved it! When I was a kid, I was fascinated by New Jersey because a friend of mine had taught me how to "speak with a New Jersey accent" and, as a result, I became obsessed with the idea of this magical place where everyone talked so cool. :)

Here are the things:

Breakfast at Bluestone Lane
Walking the waterfront of New Jersey
Zen Ramen and Sushi
Moulin Rouge
Enna Bakery
Timothy "Speed" Levitch sighting
Jack’s Wife Freda West Village w/ Mel, David, Jeffrey (MDJ)
Museum of Arts and Design w/ MDJ
Anna Sui exhibit w/ MDJ
New York City Library for a minute
Bryant Park
Hadestown w/ Mel, David, Jeffrey, Stacy (MDJS)
Momofuku Ssam w/ MDJ - I think this was the most incredible meal I've ever had.
Katz Deli w/ MDJS
Walking the Highline w/ MDJS
The Vessel w/ MDJ
Hudson Yards w/ MDJS
Mercado Little Spain and the foosball table table w/ MDJS - kicked David's butt in foosball. ;)
UCB with Allison
Buvette w/ Mel and Tony
The Whitney w/ Mel
Pangea - Stacy's birthday party!

Before I met up with Mel, David, and Jeffrey at Jack's Wife Freda, they had hugged a guy with a sign that said "free hugs". The guy then requested a donation of a dollar for charity, making it not really seem like a free hug. From that moment to the end of the trip, David and I were "workshopping" a new show we wanted to produce called Free Hugs for a Dollar, that was mostly improv and explanation, and that would be narrated by David on stage when it was ready to be performed for reals. ;) Haha

I had so much fun hanging out with Mel/David/Jeffrey/and sometimes Stacy, I got to see Allison, I got to see Tony, and Stacy birthday party was absolutely magical. 💖

I'm am so very fortunate.

Till next time New York... 

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