Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Super moon

I was invited (kidnapped? is what they called it :) ) to join a group of friends who were going on a night hike to see the super moon -- we didn't actually see the super moon, but we did see this gorgeous moon the night before...  :)   

On the night of the actual super moon, I had gotten comps to a show at ACT.  The only time I would be able to see the super moon was during the show's intermission.  

As soon as the lights went up, Kat and I ran out of the theatre and looked into the sky.  We knew we'd have to get to the top of a hill or to an open space and we'd only have about 15 minutes, so we ran a couple of blocks to Union Square.  

As we crossed into the square, we could see the moon rising between the buildings to the East.  The eclipse gave it so much dimension.  It looked more like something out of a science fiction novel than like the moon to me.  Kind of other worldly, like a new orb in the sky vs something I guess I've come to think of as the night's shiny, shadowy source of light.  For some reason, the effect made me very aware of the space between us and, since I was viewing it from Union Square, how far from nature so many of us live our lives.  I found myself feeling very small and thinking that we must seem strange to the moon... as we stood there on the concrete, drowning in the lights from Macy's, with people in fancy jackets -- chattering and smoking cigarettes as they walked by.... we pointed, took pictures, ooo and aww'd, and went back to our seats in the theatre... leaving the red moon to linger in the sky.  

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