Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Panic attacks and foreboding joy

Things are great things are great things are great, and then -- BAM!! ...you start getting panic attacks -- which make you feel like you're dying.  And, I mean, like, for real dying.  Like, I should call someone, write a will, and check myself into the hospital kind of dying.  Like, if I keep thinking about this vs doing something it might be too late and then I will be dead kind of dying.  

Apparently, that last one (thinking about it vs doing something) is key to differentiating between panic attacks and actual dying.  If you're actually dying, supposedly there wouldn't be a debate going on in your head, you would know something's really wrong and would either go to the hospital, or die.  (Disclaimer: This blog and my hypochondria should NOT to be used for medical diagnosis.)  

But, as I mentioned, things are great.  

There's this thing called "foreboding joy".  It's the feeling, or fear, that when things are going really great something bad might happen. 

Along with the panic attacks, I've been having a lot of foreboding joy lately because things have been great.  Which is ridiculous because, when I really start looking at my life, I know there are many things that aren't great.  My relationship has some obstacles to overcome, my mom had a pretty big surgery today, the theatre where I've produced most of my shows is about to be torn down, a couple of my closest friends are moving away, and I started having panic attacks because of some serious unnecessary drama at work.  

The "problem" is, the drama at work has since subsided along with the panic attacks, my relationship has grown a ton recently and feels wonderful regardless of the obstacles, I have amazing and inspiring friends and I know that having some of them move on will be the best thing for them, my mom's surgery has the potential to really improve her quality of life, and I'm still alive because I was only having panic attacks.  

I think the lessons here are:  Panic attacks are terrifying (but you'll be just fine), and sometimes when things are great it leads to foreboding joy.  :P

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