I wake up with an achy jaw from anxiety dreams and wonder what's next, as my pulse races and the stress tightens in little balls along my neck... I realize that my privileged life has led me to believe that I am in a crisis situation right now. But, I still have a roof over my head, money coming in, a great resume, great references...and could probably find a job tomorrow if my only objective was just to survive.
We live in a time when we're supposed to follow our dreams, move forward, find work that we love.... and, in this time, we're not allowed to settle for anything less than our dreams will allow. ....but, what if my dream job just offered me half of my present salary? And, a not so dreamy job would afford me the lifestyle that I prefer and enjoy? What then...? Especially when there are no guarantees....
In the meantime, it never ceases to amaze me how generous people can be.