Sunday, April 5, 2009

Hawaii! Take 2

I had a 6 hour lay over on Oahu on my way to and from Kauai - which I was able to spend with my wonderful friends. On my first lay over, I got to catch up with Freddie! We drove around the island a bit and even had the chance to see the studio where he works. We did a quick sound recording while we were there and I got to watch a film he sound engineered. Amazing stuff! Freddie and I used to spend a lot of time together in Colorado and I missed him so much!

When I landed on Kauai, Stacey and Todd met me and my family. They had come to Kauai to spend some time with us that evening and the next day. We had so much fun with them while they were there and didn't want them to leave... Stacey and Todd are some of the most thoughtful and genuine people I think I know, and Stacey has been one of my best friends for years.

These pictures don't capture the beauty of Kauai, but show you some friends, family, and a few interesting things we saw and did. What you don't see is a crystal blue/green ocean, sea turtles, gorgeous sunsets, beautiful coast lines, a lush green country side with cows and horses, and the ocean sky. The camera phone wouldn't have done them justice. Maybe I'll add a link to my Flickr page later so you can see those photos.

I also got the chance to spend a little time with my friend, Eugene. If you're familiar with the vampire picture I took in college, then you're familiar with Eugene. :) We had some fun times back then. He lives on Kauai and is presently a DJ for one of the radio stations there. He also DJ's parties, and he fights MMA!

My aunt and uncle where there with my parents for a week. My brother and I saw them briefly at the airport and then took their place in the condo for my parents second week of vacation. We had a very nice family vacation together. We went zip lining, scuba diving, saw some whales and some waterfalls, did some shopping, reading, eating, and hanging out pool side and ocean side.

On my second lay over, Todd, Stacey, Freddie, and his wife Mariko, met me for dinner and coffee. A perfect way to end my vacation.

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1 comment:

Gabriella said...

Moa! I want to go to Kauai right now. I love the way it smells. Even the airport smells like flowers. Sigh. It looks like you had a wonderful trip!