Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Waiting for rehearsal

I'm obsessed with David Foster Wallace. I can't stop reading the articles, tributes, news reports...listening to past interviews mixed into sound bites (is that the right term?) on NPR... and I can't help but find his dizzying intellect somewhat contagious.

He did a reading in a small Church in the Haight a couple of years ago. I found out about it the day of the reading and knew that I had to go. I was sort of afraid to see him in person because he was my favorite author and I didn't want him to be arrogant and awful and destroy the image I had of him as this brilliant, somewhat tortured, yet very likable person (don't you always want your heroes to be likable?), but as it turned out he was amazing...and I was so proud to be a fan of him and his work.

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