This little cutie turned 2 on November 12th.
On the night we celebrated Joy's birthday, while the adults were still greeting each other and catching up, Joy stood up on this chair and, almost seeming to no one but herself, exclaimed, "I'm so happy!"
My favorite conversation with Joy during my last visit was about her playing pickle-ball. Every time we'd ask her if she played pickle-ball she'd say, "Yeah.". My 4 year old nephew, Joshua, would then go into a fit about how she's just a baby and doesn't play pickle-ball! After which we'd ask her if she played pickle-ball again, and she'd say, "Yeah.". I would find quiet moments to connect with her and whisper, "Pickle-ball..." and she'd look at me and whisper back, "Pickle-ball..." and then smile.
My middle name is Joy. When my brother and his wife discovered they were having a girl, they asked if I would mind if they named her Joy. 💗