I almost always find parking right in front of where ever I'm going, even on crazy nights in busy neighborhoods. Don't get me wrong, I have driven around in circles convinced that a party will be over by the time I get there.... but, it's rare. If I'm 7 minutes away, and have 10 minutes to park and get into a seat at the theatre, there may be some running involved, but I tend to make it. Same with visiting friends or meeting people for dinner in tough parking neighborhoods. ...and, I seem to have great luck (karma) in the parking lots by Aatman's place. There are two little parking lots really close to his building that are always full.... except when I arrive. ?
I've been reading a lot about positive psychology and how when you look for something, you tend to find it. Like, when you start dating someone who's Indian, and then the world is suddenly filled with Indian people. The Indian people were probably always there, you just didn't notice them before because your last boyfriend filled the world with Asians. :P The point being, again, that when you focus on something, you have a tendency to find it. Like Indian people, or parking, or positivity. This is why I think I always find parking -- because I'm looking for it with the belief that I will find it (though, Aatman thinks it's because I'm magical). But, again, it doesn't always work, so why do I believe it? Maybe having it work more times than not makes me willing to continue to try. Or, does it even happen more times than not? Maybe I just focus on the times it does work... ? Which makes me think it always works... ?? Or, maybe I'm just always willing to try... ?
I do have a point here, stay with me....
On my 36th birthday, I decided to put together a benefit/variety show in the hopes of bringing together my very diverse group of friends for a night filled with all of the things that I love, which included all of them, and the celebration of the performing arts in all of its inspiring forms. :) People wore mustaches and generously donated their talent and gifts to helping me celebrate, and to paving the way for more art. The night turned out to be magical, and not just for me, my performers and my audience also seemed to feel it. I guess that's what happens when you do something that terrifies you and it works.
After my (accidentally) wildly successful birthday party, my friend Joan and I decided to produce a similar show called Eight, which would feature 8 performers for 8 minutes each. We pulled from the things we thought worked at my birthday show, and added things we thought would make us successful producers. Joan came up with the format and brought in big ideas and great details. I brought in passionate enthusiasm, creative solutions, and a sense for management. The show was a success, but it turned out that Joan didn't really enjoy producing. I, on the other hand, seemed to have a knack for it.
One day, as I was feeling bored and stuck in my last job, I started thinking about ways I could use my skills and passions to move forward. I had been shadowing a lighting designer and a stage manager outside of work, and I knew I wanted be a part of the "big show"...but, I wasn't sure which part, and how best to leave my cushy job to pursue it and not starve, especially with no real experience.
In the meantime, people kept asking me when I was going to do my next show. They wanted to make sure they were on my show list...? I didn't have a list, but it appeared that I did have a small following.
Producing made a lot of sense to me so, with Joan's blessing, I decided to independently produce the series of 8. It was a perfect chance for me to continue to bring people together around the art that I love, to use the opportunity to give back to the community (something I had also become passionate about), and to use my skills and passions to hopefully gain the experience I would need to move in the direction I wanted to go.
(And, the point, finally.)
In September, I will start working as the new Associate Event Producer at one of the best companies in the world. I know that this is the goal I have been focused on and working toward for over 3 years now... but, it feels just like magic.