This is my amazing friend Michael who's been saving me from myself...
Josh, the wonderful boyfriend i've been with for the last ... well, creeping up on 4 years ... has admitted that he's not sure what he wants for his future and, where we have a lot of fun together and really care about each other, he's not sure it's right to stay together and keep me from the future I hope to have... so, he's doing his best to make a mature decision for us and has decided it's time to break up. As much as I love him and wanted so much for this to work, I have to respect that decision and know that he's just wanting to do the right thing.
My heart is breaking, but a part of me knows he's right.
So, my friend Michael has been taking care of me and has been the best kind of friend you could possibly have.
I'm so sad... but, so lucky to have (had) a boy who loves me enough to let me go... And a friend who is willing to be there to pick up all of the pieces... A lot of friends, actually, who have reached out to show their love and support. I'm so grateful for the people in my life.
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